Rev. Bagos’ Testimony

We spoke with Rev. Bitrus Chayi Bagos in his home office. Behind the pastor was a bookshelf, proudly displaying the Africa Study Bible (ASB) among his other books.
The Reverend is grateful to have access to this incredible Bible. He commented, “In the seminary, we were taught sermon preparation and delivery. Getting illustrations was difficult. Sometimes I searched for illustrations for one or two months.”
The accessibility of the ASB is a wonderful resource to Rev. Bagos. “It has taken away the burden of hard sermon preparations. I always use it. It is handy. I used five or six books in the past in sermon preparation, but now this Bible has simplified the process for me,” he emphasized.
Rev. Bagos is a minister with Church of Christ in Nations. He is the leading pastor of COCIN Utan, Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. He pastors a large congregation of over three hundred children and over four hundred adults. He is married to his wife Esther, and they have two boys and a girl.
“The ASB is really, really significant to me in pastoring the Church.”
~Rev. Bitrus Chayi Bagos
The pastor explained that the ASB “has exposed me to what others are thinking and doing. It has broadened my understanding. The examples are happening in our cultures. It widens our scope of understanding the Bible.” When asked, Rev. Bagos did not waste time mentioning what interested him most: “Explanation is my main area of interest.”
Rev. Bagos was one of the participants at the Biblical Preaching and Teaching For African Cultures program that Oasis International organized in November 2017. This training also greatly interested the pastor, “It was very helpful. It has guided me in understanding. It deals with many things we can understand and topical issues well known to us in Africa.”
Three areas of Oasis’ training were particularly helpful to Rev. Bagos:
1. Simplicity of the Bible.
2. Availability of good examples. (“Stories that happened in different African settings,” Rev. Bagos said).
3. Proverbs for guidance.
The pastor commented, “It will be good if the conference is held yearly so that many people could be reached. Other pastors also need to participate.”
Rev. Bagos thought for a moment for the right metaphor to describe the ASB, then excitedly said, “It is like the sweetest food my wife prepares. It is sweet, lovely, and good. Something you cannot do away with.”
“It is like the sweetest food my wife prepares. It is sweet, lovely, and good. Something you cannot do away with.“
~Rev. Bitrus Chayi Bagos
“I appreciate Oasis from the depth of my heart for organizing and preparing this. It will go a long way in helping and saving people.” Rev. Bagos also appreciated the donors who gave him this incredible opportunity by supporting the project.
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