God's Word for Africa Champions
You can be a God's Word for Africa Champion! Through the God’s Word for Africa program, you can equip leaders who will impact thousands.
Many of the projects, training programs, and Bible schools have less than 100 leaders per class, which means a cost of about $2,500 per project (varies according to distribution cost).
So, for less than the cost of most Africa missions trips, you can transform 100 leaders’ ministries who will then touch and lead thousands more.
Many men and women complete years of training and leave without the books needed to equip them fully for ministry. The Africa Study Bible is like a mini-library that will equip a pastor for years of leading the Church!
What greater value for investment in the Kingdom of God can we imagine?
Ryan Faber was one of Oasis’s first God’s Word for Africa Champions when the ASB was hot off the press. Ryan remembers,
“When I traveled to Kenya to do some short-term teaching, I wanted to connect our church family in North America with the pastors and church leaders I would be teaching. Members of my church donated funds for 104 Africa Study Bibles and each person wrote a personal message on a label which I put into the Bibles. Those messages connected them personally with the pastor receiving the study Bible. What a joy to facilitate these relationships for our church family with their brothers and sisters in Africa!”
Must you go on a mission trip to impact Africa personally? Not so, when you become a God's Word for Africa Champion. You can connect with pastors and leaders by equipping them with the only study Bible created to disciple the Church across Africa!
Resources for GWFA Champions:
There are various projects that you can champion. Pick a project that grabs your heart from the God's Word for Africa website.
Or, initiate a project you are eager to support by submitting an application here.
Equip yourself with the Oasis resources that will help you promote the project.
- Key website links:
- Video: Africa Study Bible
- Bible Samplers (English or French available)
- Brochure that explains the uniqueness of the ASB and bookmark in French with the same information
- The link to your specific project’s microsite on the GWFA website
Example: Bibles for Schoolchildren
- Contact us at info@oasisinternational.com, +1 (630) 578-1265, if you need:
- sample text for a letter, email or call
- help with the links
- answers to questions
- help mailing samplers
- Lead the way with your own foundational gift.
- Email your friends and share your enthusiasm for this project with them.
- Tell them why you are excited about this project, share details
- Ask clearly what you want them to do, for example, Fund 4 ASBs for $100
- Make sure they know how to give:
- On the project microsite
- By check to “Oasis International” w/the project name in the memo line: 212 W Wesley St Ste 202, Wheaton, IL 60187
- Ask them to forward the email to anyone they know who might be interested
- Call to follow up the email
- Answer their questions or set up a time to get back to them with answers
- Verify they know how to give
- Remind them to forward the email
- Thank them if they have already given
- Share the project on all your social media platforms (with the link): facebook, twitter, Instagram, etc., or start a facebook or Go Fund Me fundraiser.
- Get Creative!
- Host an evening at your home.
- Organize a “virtual” mission trip, with maps, photos, and a “prayer letter” and invite your friends.
- Host a Zoom call for your small group, virtual mission trip. participants, youth group or Sunday School with workers from the project or someone who has been there (Oasis can provide the Zoom account for 100 or more guests).
- Create a giving contest.
Rejoice together when Oasis sends you photos and testimonies from the project and you are able to see God’s Word put into the hands of pastors and leaders in Africa!
“I am greatly blessed reading a Bible in our own African context and we thank the vision development of this initiative that have greatly blessed poor pastors like me serving in Muslims dominated areas of Malawi. More Bible are needed here in Malawi.” –Bishop Ephraim Chiwaya, Gospel Ministries, Mangochi, Malawi.
“The African church needs affordable and culturally relevant books to help build a strong foundation for the growing church. The goals and plans established by Oasis will go a long way toward meeting these needs. I commend this program to our friends in the West as a way to help establish deeper roots for the African church and its leaders.” -Mark D. Taylor, Chairman/CEO, Tyndale House Publishers
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