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Become a Sower of God's Word and Multiply Your Giving.

Equip hundreds of pastors and leaders to spread the gospel, month after month!

Yes! I want to become a sower of God's Word

We’re thankful that you’d like to provide Bibles and other Biblical resources at nearly no cost to people in great need but with no access to these materials.

Your monthly donation will equip pastors, leaders and students in Africa with contextualized and relevant discipleship tools such as the Africa Study Bible, New Living Translation: Africa Edition Bibles, and other resources, often with trainings on how to use these unique tools.

Over 100 local and global ministry partners are using the Africa Study Bible to address the need for affordable, biblical resources, and the requests are multiplying. As a monthly giver, you will help continue to put this powerful tool in the hands of more pastors, leaders, and students.

A gift of $67 per month will equip up to 100 people over the course of a year. (We’ll send you a Sample Bible Built for Africa so you can see for yourself!) Join with hundreds of other sowers and donors to help bring real change to the church in Africa with us.


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