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Study Bibles for Military Chaplains


The Armed Forces of Liberia Chaplaincy emphasizes that they are not just serving with weapons, but also spreading the Word of God across Liberia. Their goal is to preach the gospel, disciple soldiers for Christ, and equip them to spread light wherever they go.


The Chaplaincy lacks the financial means to provide Soldier-Pastors with Study Bibles to spiritually reinforce the soldiers. As a result, they are seeking support for 50 copies of the Africa Study Bible to equip their Chaplains.

Funding Needs

To fully fund the 50 copies of the Africa Study Bible for the Chaplains, a total of $1,000 is required."



In order to meet the greatest need possible, your gift will first be used for this opportunity. However, if this goal is already met, your gift will go to support the entire mission of the God's Word for Africa program.

With your help we can continue to satisfy Africa’s thirst for God’s Word.

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