French Study Bibles for Pastors in Rural Cameroon

Rehoboth Bible Resource Centre has been at the centre of sourcing for Bibles for local missionaries and pastors serving in the rural areas of Cameroon. Their mission is to provide study Bibles for self-funded ministers of the gospel serving in insurgency plagued areas of the Francophone country. For most of these Bible study leaders, missionaries, and pastors it is financially challenging to afford good study Bibles that will support their teachings and preachings.
Rehoboth Bible Resource Centre has a database of pastors and leaders that they visit from time to time, encouraging them and organizing programmes to train them in their ministry work. Rehoboth Bible Resource Centre has reached out to Oasis International for 100 copies of the contextualized La Bible d’étude: perspectives africaines or La BEPA (Africa Study Bible French version). The copies of La BEPA will go a long way to support and encourage these ministers of the gospel in the work that the Lord has called them to do.
Funding Needs
To fund this project, $2,200 is needed. Your donation will be a huge encouragement to these pastors and a great impact on their ministries in rural Cameroon.
In order to meet the greatest need possible, your gift will first be used for this opportunity. However, if this goal is already met, your gift will go to support the entire mission of the God's Word for Africa program.
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