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Equip Pastors in Guinea with French Study Bibles

The People of the Book Bible Fellowship is a cross-border and cross-cultural missions group that's proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ in both Liberia and Guinea. They conduct crusades and training for Pastors serving in the two French-speaking nations.

The People of the Book Bible Fellowship’s frequent visits to this part of West Africa have shown that missionaries in Guinea are serving with limited resources to reach the Muslim and French communities in this Francophone country.

Because of you...

The People of the Book Bible Fellowship is supporting these selfless pastors. To make up for their lack of theological education, the People of the Book Bible Fellowship is organizing a Church Growth Conference where these pastors will receive discipleship and leadership training.

The church leaders will be equipped with the resources they need! Each of the 125 pastors will receive their copy of La Bible d’étude: perspectives africaines or La BEPA which is the French version of the Africa Study Bible. La BEPA will serve as the pastors’ main resource for sermon preparation, teaching, training, and discipleship.

Thank you for equipping these courageous pastors in Guinea with 125 copies of La BEPA.

This project is fully funded. To find out how you can partner with Oasis to support more pastors and leaders, click here.

With your help we can continue to satisfy Africa’s thirst for God’s Word.

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