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Equip Pastors and New Converts in War-Torn Cameroon

Holding Fast to the Gospel in Cameroon

A brutal insurgency is sweeping across the south-western region of Cameroon. In the chaos, countless people have been forced to leave their homes.

In the midst of this crisis, self-funded missionaries face an incredible challenge. Their people are scattered, their lives are in constant danger, and resources are running low. Yet the gospel message must be preached.

These leaders are in dire need of resources. The church must step up to meet this need.

Light and Life Missions is changing the status quo in south-western Cameroon. The ministry supports at-risk pastors in these affected regions by holding training events, providing them with counselling, and equipping them with the discipleship and evangelism resources they need.

One of the best discipleship resources for this broken situation is the Africa Study Bible. The Africa Study Bible contains messages of peace and restoration for war-ravaged contexts, and even features many notes written by church leaders living in the midst of conflicts across Africa.

Because of you...

Light and Life Mission equipped 20 pastors with the Africa Study Bible and 60 new converts with their own New Living Translation: Africa Edition Text Bibles. These resources will help the church in Cameroon hold fast to the gospel in this time of hardship.

"It was a big miracle for Light And Life Mission family in Cameroon who received bibles 20 study Bibles and 60 small Bibles from our partner, Oasis International Ltd. I lack words to describe how the Bibles were received after collecting them in Douala and sending them to  Kumba and Muyuka where they were distributed as a Christmas gift. Some Pastors in Douala also benefited in having study Bibles. I also needed a study Bible now am blessed to have one.

I know this is just the beginning of great things to happen here through the Bible project here in Cameroon. Because of the war which has taken place in the two English-speaking regions of Cameroon, many people lost all their properties so this a big blessing to them to have Bibles. Thanks so much and God bless you all." Rev Sone Charles



This project is fully funded. To find out how you can partner with Oasis to support more pastors, click here.

With your help we can continue to satisfy Africa’s thirst for God’s Word.

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