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Africa Study Bibles for Young Christian Leaders

In Uganda, Christ is raising up an army of servant leaders. The African Bible University in Uganda is training pastors and Christian leaders at a college level, equipping them to serve local churches in the communities where God has called them to lead.

The pastors and leaders who attend this program have limited access to good theological resources like commentaries, study Bibles, Bible dictionaries, and quality Christian literature. These pastors-in-training also come from marginalised communities, and are unable to afford the resources they need.

Because of you...

African Bible University provided 25 pastoral students with copies of the Africa Study Bible. This incomparable resource offers students an all-in-one tool for biblical content, theology, history, and culture.

Not only does this resource help pastors in their current studies, but the Africa Study Bible provides a powerful tool as they return to preach in their communities.

This project is fully funded. To find out how you can partner with Oasis to support more Christians, click here.


With your help we can continue to satisfy Africa’s thirst for God’s Word.

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