500 Bibles for Street Children in Nigeria

The tragedy of homeless children is nearly overwhelming. Every day, millions of young people spend their lives on the streets, unable to improve their situation. These children need to hear that God loves them.
Across Nigeria, the Glow Foundation is spreading the good news of God’s love to these lonely children. In the space of 10 months, God has used Glow Foundation to reach out to 1,000 street children, helping them understand that finding a relationship with God is the pathway to a fulfilled life.
Because of you...
Glow Foundation is spreadig love to young people in Nigeria's slum schools. The foundation will not rest until needy children across the country have learned what the Bible has to say about God’s amazing love.
Glow Foundation has shared 500 Bibles with street children who have already given their lives to Christ. These children attend slum schools in the dilapidated areas of Dustbin Village (Ajegunle, Lagos), Iwaya (Yaba, Lagos), Ibadan (Oyo State), and Shagamu (Ogun State) in Nigeria.
Through Glow Foundation’s discipleship programmes the children who received the Bibles also receive discipleship training, and will learn about what God’s amazing love means for their lives.
This project is fully funded. To find out how you can partner with Oasis to support more kids and students, click here.
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