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Getting Bibles to Youth in Zambia Schools


For the past six years, Scripture Union Zambia has been producing daily devotional books, namely “Daily Power”, distributed to schools Zambia. Scipture Union's emphasis to the young people in the schools has been to let them know that these devotional reading notes are not to be used as a substitute for Bibles, but they should use them alongside the Bible.


It is, therefore, the desire of SU Zambia to equip the less fortunate students that they work with, with New Living Translation: Africa Edition Text Bibles and equip the high school student leaders with copies of an Africa Study Bible.

Funding Needs

Scripture Union has committed to contribute $425 towards this project, $3,825 is needed to fund this project



In order to meet the greatest need possible, your gift will first be used for this opportunity. However, if this goal is already met, your gift will go to support the entire mission of the God's Word for Africa program.

With your help we can continue to satisfy Africa’s thirst for God’s Word.

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